
Deyuan Xie, Ye Sun, Tianle Zhu, et al. Nitric Oxide Oxidation and Its Removal in Mist by Nonthermal Plasma: Effects of Discharge Conditions

發(fā)布日期:2020-04-21瀏覽次數(shù): 次信息來源: Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

      ABSTRACT: A coaxial nonthermal plasma (NTP) reactor was used for the removal of nitric oxide in mist. The effects of discharge gap, thorn number, tooth slice number as well as discharge polarity on NO oxidation and NOx removal were investigated. Decreasing the discharge gap is favorable for the NO oxidation and NOx removal. The mist is almost captured completely even under a relative low input energy. Increasing the thorn number of discharge slice or tooth slice number facilitates the energy input in the plasma reactor and thus enhances the NO oxidation and NOx removal under a fixed applied voltage. The energy efficiency for the positive DC (4.5g NO/kWh) is three times as much as that for the negative DC (1.5 g NO/kWh), corresponding to NO oxidation efficiency of around 80%.

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